Rilang Celebrates 77th Independence Day

Shillong,15 August: The 77th Independence Day, with the theme Azadi Ka Amrit Mahostav, was celebrated with tremendous enthusiasm on August 15, 2023 at Rilang Children's Home in Nongthymmai. To honour the day, flags were tastefully placed throughout the campus. At 7:20 a.m., all of the children and support personnel assembled in the campus. All the members in attendance were welcomed and introduced by Br. Shanboksius. After then, followed by hoisting of the Tricolour flag , the National Anthem was sung and Dn. Shemphang Dkhar, the chief guest, raised the National Flag. The Independence address was read by one of the boys, Mr. Iohbor. In his message, the chief guest urges everyone to have and practise social responsibility. He also advises the childrens to put in more effort in whatever they do because young people are the present and future of the society.

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