Food & Beverage Service Associate B2 under Skill Meghalaya Certification at DBTS

Shillong: On 12th June 2023, the students of Food & Beverage Service Associate B2 under Skill Meghalaya received the certificates on this day. The programme was held in the presence of Fr. Saji Stephen (Director), Fr. Arcadius Puweiñ (Principal), Bro. Firstbornson Jyrwa (Vice-Principal), Miss Rhiedolcy Diengdoh (Placement Coordinator), Sir Wallambok Kharbihkhiew (MIS), Miss Genesis Najiar (Trainer) and the members of Meghalaya State Skills Development Society, Mr Japheth B M Wankhar (Skill Manager) & Mr. Mathew Kharpran (Skill Manager) along with the students of Food & Beverage Service Associate. The programme was led by Miss Genesis in which she welcomes everyone present in this occasion especially the guest from MSSDS. Fr Saji started the programme with a prayer. Continued a welcome speech by Ms Rhiedolcy she shared to the students that when we go out for placement everything will be different the whole lifestyle will be different but we should always adjust to it no matter where we are. Continuing the programme Fr Saji shared a speech saying that we do not have to be highly educated to get a job but with the coming up of different skills in different sectors and all we need is to be trained in this particular area and hence a job will be at our door step. Principal Fr Arcadius also shared the platform, saying that we are very lucky that now there are vocational courses with many choices to choose from and as it is some of us are facing a lot of difficulties in concentrating with many subjects. Hence through a particular subject we learn that is through skill training, we not only improve our knowledge but it also gives us jobs opportunity in the particular job role according our skill. Some individual has gift and skill in practicals but are very week in theory, whereas some do not even know that which way to go which profession to pursue our career but it is only through counselling and motivation that will guide a way a path. Continuining a speech is shared by a member of MSSDS Mr. Wankhar, saying that this is an opportunity for the youths in getting free training followed by placement in which they get to choose from and we should not take it lightly even if its free training but to be determine that this is an open opportunity for us Fr Saji , Fr. Arcadius Puweiñ , Mr Japheth B M Wankhar along with Miss Rhiedolcy continued the programme by distributing the certificates and the Offer Letters to the student. Sir Wallambok gave a vote of the programme with the vote of thanks to everyone and after the programme everyone were invited with lunch. in which he expressed that getting a certificate does not end only there but we should continue our journey by going for placement and be sincere to work for a longer period time. Followed by Bro Barnabas in which he said the this is a very good project as we not only get the training but also the placement so we should not take things for granted but to be serious in this training Also, a short speech was given by Fr Saji, saying that the organization in which the student were being placed is such a good one that the students should consider themselves lucky to even get a chance to work here. And also, we should not want to work only in higher position but we have to start our carrier from entry level to reach up. Madam Audrey gave an inspirational talk and also said that we should not be feared in going outside for placement but to take it as a challenge and we must face all difficulties with a strong determination and should not quit.

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