The 100th Marian Procession begun with the Holy Eucharist presided by the Provincial. The Parish Priest Father Telesphorus solemnly welcomed the celebrants and the faithful...

During the Liturgy of the Word, the priest presider shared the Word of God on the importance of Listening to Jesus like Mary did and...

The Jubilarians were felicitated in the Conference Hall of BIDS (Bosco Integrated Development Society). Father Glorius Syiemlieh, the Rector of Nongthymmai community, accorded words of...

The second day of the Chapter begun with the Holy Mass celebrated by Most Rev Archbishop John Moolachira dd, the Archbishop of Guwahati archdiocese. At...

The inaugural function began at 8:45 am with a hymn to the Holy Spirit (Veni Creator Spiritu) intoned by Fr. Gabriel Colney. Thereafter, the moderator Fr. K.J. Anthony SDB, invited...

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