Tripura 15th July: On the 14th-7-2023, St. Xavier’s School under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Babu Stephen the principal of the St. Xavier’s School Pathialaghat and Rev. Fr. KA Thomas the V. Principal had send the 124 class VIII students to the science city in Agartala (Bortola). The purpose of sending the students to the Science City are: A) that the students will become more aware of the importance of science and the role that it plays in today’s world. B) that the students will begin to like Science even if some students dislike the subject because of the wonder that it created through this subject. C) to help them cope up with the new technologies that have come up in the recent times and still developing in the years to come. D) to make them know that we are living in a changing time in which the technology is changing our life style are thinking pattern. Lastly, E) to let them know that without the help of science the country can never reached the stage to be called as a developed country. The visit to the science city was successful and intellectually enriching one.

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