South Asia Regional Inaugurate Centenary Block School Building

Shillong 30th March: While doing hisExtraordinary Visitation to the Salesian Province of St. John Paul II,Shillong, today the 30th March 2023, Father Biju Michael the RegionalCouncilor for South Asia inaugurated a ‘Centenary block’ of the Higher SecondarySchool at Khliehriat in the East Jaintia Hills District of Meghalaya. Thecentenary block which is built in memory of the centenary of the arrival of theSaleisans to NE and to the region of Jaintia hills is dedicated to reverend FatherFantine Joseph who began the mission work in that Parish in 1976.The inauguration ceremony began with words of welcome by thePrincipal Salesian Brother Solomon Swer, followed by a few items from thestudents. Father Regional in his speech lauded the missionaries who gave allthat they have for the cause of the poor and the downtrodden in that region. Heurged those present on the occasion to follow their examples especially to beof service to the  youth especially thepoorer ones. Present on the occasion were Father George Maliekal former Provincial, Father Ioannis War the ParishPriest, Father Mark the VIce Principal, Father Jose Kanickal, Father Abialstar and many other Priests and religious of the Parish.

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