Don Bosco Technical School Celebrates 91st Past Pupils Meet: A General Body Meeting

Don Bosco Technical School Shillong, September 17, 2023: The Don Bosco Technical School, renowned for its commitment to Technical education and character-building, hosted its 91st Past Pupils Meet on 17th September 2023. The event witnessed an enthusiastic turnout of alumni spanning several generations, gathering to relive cherished memories and share their successes. The school's sprawling campus buzzed with excitement as past students, now accomplished professionals in various fields, revisited the corridors that once molded them into the individuals they are today. The event, organized with precision and heartfelt warmth, which was a testament to the enduring bonds fostered by the institution. The highlight of the meeting was the welcoming address by the Rector, Rev Fr. Saji, who expressed his gratitude for the contributions of the alumni, acknowledging their role in shaping the institution's legacy. He emphasized the importance of the event in fostering a sense of belonging and pride among the extended Don Bosco family. The 91st Past Pupils Meet of Don Bosco Technical School stands as a poignant reminder of the lasting impact that quality education and a nurturing environment can have on individuals. It serves as an inspiration for both current students and future generations to uphold the legacy of excellence that the institution embodies.

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