Rilang Children’s Home Holds Spiritual Retreat at Holy Redeemer Renewal Centre

Shillong, July 23, 2024: Twenty-three children from Rilang Children's Home participated in a spiritual retreat at the Holy Redeemer Renewal Centre from July 19-21, 2024. Br. Ricky Kmenlang Mawlong SDB accompanied the children on this spiritual journey. The three-day retreat, animated by the MSFS Father and staff of the centre, focused on deepening the children's faith and spiritual growth. Through prayer, reflection, and contemplation, the children explored their relationship with God and themselves. The retreat provided a sacred space for the children to reconnect with their inner selves, foster a sense of community, and experience God's love and presence in their lives. The children returned home with renewed spirits, inspired to live out their faith with joy and purpose. The annual spiritual retreat is a vital component of Rilang Children's Home's holistic approach to childcare, nurturing the children's spiritual growth and development.

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