17th June 2024, Tripura: On June 17, 2024, Bosco Home Herma Pre-Novitiate resonated with a spirit of renewal and dedication as it inaugurated the academic year under the theme "Together we live, learn, pray and grow." This auspicious occasion was marked by a series of meaningful rituals and reflections, symbolizing the community's commitment to holistic development and spiritual enrichment. The ceremony commenced with the lighting of the lamp by Father Rector (Fr. Glorius Syiemlieh SDB) and the presidents of the four sodalities (Banshanlang Ryngkhlem, Adolf Manbha Myrthong, Xavier Jyrwa, and Jobinesh war). This symbolic act, rooted in tradition, illuminated the path for the pre-novices as they embarked on a journey of learning and personal growth. Br. Mebanlam Nongkynrih, known for his profound spirituality and wisdom, delivered a scripture reading that set the tone for introspection and spiritual renewal. His choice of passages resonated with the theme of unity and collective purpose, urging the pre-novices to embrace their roles with dedication and reverence. Following the scripture reading, Br. Freddy Lyngkhoi led the assembly in an opening prayer that invoked blessings upon the community. His heartfelt words emphasized the importance of faith and communion in fostering a supportive environment where each individual could thrive and contribute positively. Father Rector's message was a pivotal moment in the ceremony, as he articulated the institution's vision for the coming year. His address underscored the significance of living in harmony, learning with diligence, praying with sincerity, and growing through mutual support. He challenged the pre-novices to embody these principles in their daily lives, encouraging them to strive for excellence in both academic pursuits and personal character development. A choir performance by the pre-novices showcased their artistic talents and commitment to collective expression. The harmonious melodies filled the hall with joy and inspiration, reinforcing the sense of community and shared purpose among all present. Brother Arkidon then presented the rules and regulations governing life at Bosco Home Herma Pre-Novitiate. His thorough and clear presentation laid the foundation for discipline and responsibility, essential for maintaining a conducive environment for learning and spiritual formation. Father Suman (the principal of Don Bosco School Herma) formally declared the commencement of the new scholastic year 2024-2025, marking a new chapter in the pre-novices' journey of faith and knowledge. Br. Banshanlang Ryngkhlem, in his vote of thanks, expressed gratitude to all who contributed to the success of the ceremony, highlighting the collaborative effort that made the inauguration a memorable event. The ceremony concluded with a stirring rendition of the hymn to Don Bosco, a heartfelt tribute to the patron saint whose principles of education and service continue to guide and inspire the community. The hymn served as a poignant reminder of the pre-novices' shared mission and commitment to upholding the values of Bosco Home Herma Pre-Novitiate. In conclusion, the inauguration of the academic year 2024-2024 at Bosco Home Herma Pre-Novitiate was a profound celebration of faith, learning, and community. It set a positive tone for the year ahead, inspiring the pre-novices to embark on their educational journey with dedication, unity, and a deep sense of purpose.

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